Bulc Club is 100% free and gives you unlimited email forwarding and filtering to block spam, protect your privacy and identity, and organize your inbox. Bulc Club email forwarders are temporary, disposable email addresses that forward non-spam emails directly to your inbox and may be disabled instantly and individually if they begin to receive spam. Bulc Club email filtering is derived from thousands of members, rating and blocking senders and spammers, making Bulc Club the most powerful spam-blocker in the world.

AOL@ .bulc.club

Bulc Club is 100% free and gives you unlimited email forwarding and filtering to block spam, protect your privacy and identity, and organize your inbox.

Bulc Club helps you Block Spam
Block Spam
Bulc Club helps you Protect Your Privacy/Identity
Protect Your Identity
Bulc Club helps you Achieve Inbox Zero
Achieve Inbox Zero

*Why did we choose those examples? The aliases we chose above were all from companies that recently suffered data breaches or hacks that exposed their customers' private information. Learn More

Bulc Club is recognized by: Lifehacker, Product Hunt, TechCrunch, Sitepoint, Gecko&Fly, and more...

Why Bulc Club?

It's 100% Free

We created Bulc Club to end spam once and for all and make the world a better place. That's why it's free!

It's Easy

Create a free account and instantly start giving out email forwarders instead of your real email. That's it!

It Works

Bulc Club Members have already rated and blocked 276,788+ spammers worldwide!

Bulc Club Promo Video

How Bulc Club works

Still a bit confused? It's easy. Give us 3-minutes and we'll change your life forever.

Join Us

Block Anywhere

Bulc Club unveils the original sender's email address and domain to help you instantly identify spoofing or phishing emails.

Simply click the link at the top of the email to block spammers instantly and permanently. Or log-in to our Members Portal on any device.


Bulc Club Mobile Access

Why Do People Love Us?

Unlimited Email Forwarders

Unlimited Forwarders. Unlimited Protection.

Email Forwarders are addresses that simply forward email to your real inbox. If they start to receive spam, block them individually and instantly.

Imagine you buy a coffee from JavaJoint and they need your email address to send you a receipt. You know they'll likely sell it to marketing and spam lists. Instead, just give them a Bulc Club Forwarder. You can make it up on the spot! For instance, give them javajoint@jsmith.bulc.club, and we'll forward the receipt to your inbox.

Read more on how to keep the receipt, but block the spam.

Unlimited Email Filtering

276k+ spammers defeated. And counting.

Our worldwide Membership has already rated and blocked over 276,788 spammers. These ratings are what prevent spam from being forwarded.

Bulc Club Member Ratings automatically block spam before it's forwarded to your inbox. If spam slips through, block the sender with the touch of a button using your favorite email program. No log-in necessary.

Allow mail from only one domain (e.g., @linkedin.com).

Allow mail from only one email address (e.g., notifications@linkedin.com).

BulcBurners: Single-use, disposable addresses

Burners: Temporary, Disposable Addresses.

Create free, single-use, disposable, temporary email addresses that self-destruct instantly.

BulcBurners are ideal for one-time-only validation. Create them instantly and use them for email address verification for an app, forum, or online service that doesn't use email for primary communication. We only allow one email to be forwarded through each burner to your real inbox. Mail received after the first is automatically sent to the trash.

Create a Burner Email Address

Email Forwarders vs Burners

BULC CLUB Recommendation, Maura Thomas

Maura Thomas Recommends BULC CLUB on the "How to Be Awesome at Your Job" podcast

News — December 6, 2021

Maura Thomas, award-winning international speaker, trainer, and author on individual and corporate productivity and work-life balance, recommends BULC CLUB 31 minutes into Episode 725: How to Master Your Attention, To-Do List, and Inbox with Maura Thomas, on Pete Mockaitis‘ “How to Be Awesome at Your Job” podcast.

Read more


What our Members Say


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I identify who sold or shared my email address?

Have you ever received a sudden onslaught of spam and wondered where it came from? Bulc Club Statistics make it easy for you to identify who sold your email address and block their spam instantly, with the flip of a switch. Learn More

How do I achieve Inbox Zero with Bulc Club?

One response we've frequently heard is the unexpected perk of helping our Members achieve the fabled Inbox Zero—that rare and transcendental state where your inbox is empty. Learn More

Can I give out an email address to get a receipt, but not get the spam?

Digital point of sale (POS) systems are becoming more prevalent, giving rise to digital receipts. Oftentimes, we'd rather skip the tax write-off if it means that we may receive spam. Learn More

How can I use Bulc Club to protect myself against hackers and identity theft?

Between May and July of 2017, the sensitive personal information of 143 million American consumers was exposed in a data breach at Equifax, one of the nation's three major credit reporting agencies. Learn More

Give us a try. Bulc Club is Free!

Block Spam. Protect your Identity. Organize your Inbox.

Your email address is always safe with us. Privacy Policy